about the texts

Jerusalem X Factor

This self-published work centers on Israel and specifically on Jerusalem.
National and International leaders often overlook Biblical considerations when searching for peaceful solutions in the Middle East.  Catastrophes ensue and are documented here especially when these warnings are regarded as outdated and irrelevant.

You will gain a critical Biblical understanding of the importance of land and boundaries as God revealed them as well as a greater burden to pray for the
“People of the Book.”
Our Father
Pater Noster

After visiting the exact location where Jesus taught his disciples how to pray and after intense reflection of his own personal prayer struggles,
Pastor Cuevas decided to capture timeless truths in the “Our Father” Pater Noster.  

Biblical Insights from both old and new Testaments that have the potential to unlock a solid personal prayer life await you here!

Be amazed at the simplicity of truths that will enlighten, delight, and enhance your experience once you shut the door and are alone with God.

Click the links below to order these books on Amazon.